Maybe I'm wrong
I should just keep moving on
I suppose
But I'll see it through
Just like some kind of fool
You say you care
That this kind of life
Leads nowhere
Still, I guess, I'll see it through
Just like some kind of fool
The rules of the game
We constantly play
Can be cruel
If nothing else remains
I've promised to stay
And I do
Crying again, you say these words
Are just sentimental things
But I'll stay with you
Just like some kind of fool
All the things we say
Apportioning blame are untrue
And nothing else remains
I've promised to stay
And I do
And I do like some kind of fool
The rules of the game
We so often play
Can be cruel
If nothing else remains
I've promised to stay
And I do
And I do like some kind of fool
I should just keep moving on
I suppose
But I'll see it through
Just like some kind of fool
You say you care
That this kind of life
Leads nowhere
Still, I guess, I'll see it through
Just like some kind of fool
The rules of the game
We constantly play
Can be cruel
If nothing else remains
I've promised to stay
And I do
Crying again, you say these words
Are just sentimental things
But I'll stay with you
Just like some kind of fool
All the things we say
Apportioning blame are untrue
And nothing else remains
I've promised to stay
And I do
And I do like some kind of fool
The rules of the game
We so often play
Can be cruel
If nothing else remains
I've promised to stay
And I do
And I do like some kind of fool
Scheda della canzone:
Titolo: Some Kind of Fool
Album: Everything and Nothing
Artista: David Sylvian
Durata: circa 7:00
Anno: 2000
Etichetta: VirginVideo: guarda il link
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Curiosità: la canzone è stata inserita come inedito nell'album Everything and Nothing, ma realmente era destinata, nel lontano 1980, per l'album "Gentleman Take Polaroids" dei Japan (la storia band di Sylvia-Jansen_Barbieri;Karn), però la scartarono preferendo un altri pezzo, successivamente è stata rimixata dallo stesso artista ed inclusa nella compilation nel 2000.
Nel Taccuino puoi trovare altri post su David Sylvian:
i 30 anni di Brilliant Trees (è tra le Voci più cliccate del Taccuino), i testi e le schede delle canzoni September e Darkest dreaming ... e guarda QUI
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